Dr. Agi Haines
TIJD: 22:30 - 23:00

Dr. Agi Haines is an internationally exhibiting design practitioner, researcher and lecturer whose research looks at the propensity for design to reevaluate the nature of the material of the body in the face of nascent biomedical and healthcare technologies. Her inspiration comes from the weird and wonderful things that exist inside us. Questioning how our morbid curiosity for the viscera of life might affect the future of design, not only for the environment but also for us as sentient sacks of flesh within it?
She specialises in creating physical works using a mixture of traditional sculptural techniques and novel technologies. She successfully defended her PhD from Plymouth University with CogNovo (Marie Curie ITN) and Transtechnology Research after graduating from a masters in Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art. She has taught as Assistant Professor of Industrial Design at Rhode Island School of Design, Co-Course leader of Object Mediated Interactions on Product Design at Royal College of Art, Head of Horror programme at University of the Underground and tutor on Material Futures at Central Saint Martins. She exhibits and lectures on design futures and scientific imaginaries. Some significant exhibitions include Stedelijk Amsterdam, Art Science Museum Singapore, MOCA Shanghai, and MOD Australia.