FOOD FOREST TASTE TESTS - Genomic Gastronomy

FOOD FOREST TASTE TESTS works with food forest farmers to develop the rituals, rhythms, tools & recipes necessary to integrate micro-seasonal produce into everyday eating habits & experiences. Food Forests make room for wild species in the form of crops and habitat, but cooking a nutritionally complete meal often requires incorporating non-food forest ingredients.
At the Night of Discoveries we will be serving bite sized-tasters generated with our MVP x FFF Food Computer: an AI-assisted thinking and tinkering tool for harmonizing the rhythms and culinary possibilities of Minimum Viable Proteins (MVPs) and Food Forest Flavours (FFFs).
What does it taste like to minimize ecological harm and maximize benefits for wild species? Do high-tech, hyper-efficient proteins pair well with regenerative microseasonal ingredients in the kitchen? Stop by to taste and debate for yourself.